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Баязет.Миниатюры - Пикуль Валентин Саввич

Пикуль Валентин Саввич (Pikul' Valentin Savvich)

Item ID : 1175034
SKU : 145593
ISBN : 9785444462515

Pages : 640
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2017
Publisher : Вече 2000, М ( Veche 2000, M )

You Pay: $23.95

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Краткая аннотация

Роман «Баязет» посвящен одному из драматичных и героических эпизодов Русско-турецкой войны 1877—1878 годов — обороне немногочисленным русским гарнизоном крепости Баязет, вошедшей в историю под названием «Славное баязетовское сидение». Это была первая проба пера талантливого автора на поприще отечественной исторической беллетристики. Как показали последующие книги В. Пикуля, отечественная история стала для него главнейшей темой творчества.


Brief Summary

Learn to communicate with your body The healing method of SOEVES against all ailments The healing power of the word to preserve the health and youth method of SOEVES (verbal-shaped emotional-volic self-belief), invented by a well-known scientist, psychotherapist Georgi Nikolaevich Sytin, gives everyone the opportunity to use healing tune to promote their own health and feel full of strength, healthy and young. Its effectiveness is proven by numerous cases of recovery from various diseases, so the method is recommended for general use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. In this book you will find a detailed description of the wellness method of Georgi Yatin, as well as examples of healing moods that form the basis of SOEVS. We sincerely hope that the knowledge will help you, our dear readers, to feel the joy of life, to overcome all their diseases and to maintain good health for years to come. Read - and recover!

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