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Supernatural Short Stories - Stoker Bram

Supernatural Short Stories
Stoker Bram (Stoker Bram)

Item ID : 1355398
SKU : VV1355398
ISBN : 9781788284073

Pages :
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2022
Publisher : Arcturus ( Arcturus )

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Unexplained terrors, magical anomalies, and a growing sense of dread fill these pages. Only the brave should risk the stories that lie within.In this collection, werewolves, vampires, and ghosts stalk their victims through the night. Incorporating elements from both horror and fantasy, these are terrifying tales filled with extraordinarily imaginative creations.These stories will both disturb and enthrall readers as they struggle to distinguish between the real villains of the world and the hallucinations of the fragile psyche.

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