English File Elementary SB, 4th ed. - Latham-Koenig Christina
English File Elementary SB, 4th ed.
Latham-Koenig Christina (Latham-Koenig Christina)
Item ID : 1386470
Seria : English File 4th Edition
SKU : VV1386470
ISBN : 9780194031592
Pages : 168
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Oxford ( Oxford )
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Latham-Koenig Christina (Latham-Koenig Christina)
Item ID : 1386470
Seria : English File 4th Edition
SKU : VV1386470
ISBN : 9780194031592
Pages : 168
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Oxford ( Oxford )
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Краткая аннотация
English File's unique, lively and enjoyable lessons are renowned for getting students talking. In fact, 90% of English File teachers we surveyed in our impact study found that the course improves students' speaking skills. The English File fourth edition Student's Book is packed full of interesting content to keep students of all levels talking. Online Practice gives students the opportunity to practise and develop their language and skills or catch up on a class they have missed. 4th Edition.
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