Уроки для малышей 5+. Слева, справа, впереди - Попова И.М.
Uroki dlia malyshei 5+. Sleva, sprava, vperedi
Попова И.М. (Popova I.M.)
Item ID : 793655
Seria : Уроки для малышей
SKU : 482799
ISBN : 9785995120568
Pages : 16
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2016
Publisher : Стрекоза ( Strekoza )
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Попова И.М. (Popova I.M.)
Item ID : 793655
Seria : Уроки для малышей
SKU : 482799
ISBN : 9785995120568
Pages : 16
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2016
Publisher : Стрекоза ( Strekoza )
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Краткая аннотация
"I was one of the people who took the hero further away from the white hat. In A Fistful of Dollars, you didn't know who was the hero till a quarter of the way through the film, and then you weren't sure; you figured he was the protagonist, but only because everybody else was crappier than he was. I like the way heroes are now. I like them with strengths, weaknesses, lack of virtue."-Clint Eastwood Having starred in 44 films and directed 27, Clint Eastwood is a living legend. This book traces the evolution of his star persona from the mysterious gunslingers he played in such Westerns as the Dollars trilogy, High Plains Drifter, Pale Rider, and Unforgiven, to the rogue cops and other troubled macho heroes he brought to life in the Dirty Harry films, The Gauntlet, Tightrope, Heartbreak Ridge, and In the Line of Fire. Along the way, Eastwood has also surprised his fans by taking uncharacteristic roles in comedies (Every Which Way But Loose), adventure films (White Hunter, Black Heart),...
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