Gruffalo, the (PB) illustr. Ned - Donaldson Julia
Gruffalo, the (PB) illustr. Ned
Donaldson Julia (Donaldson Julia)
Item ID : 1054344
Seria : My First Gruffalo
SKU : VV1054344
ISBN : 9781509804757
Pages : 32
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2016
Publisher : Macmillan ( Macmillan )
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Donaldson Julia (Donaldson Julia)
Item ID : 1054344
Seria : My First Gruffalo
SKU : VV1054344
ISBN : 9781509804757
Pages : 32
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2016
Publisher : Macmillan ( Macmillan )
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Краткая аннотация
"A mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood. A fox saw the mouse and the mouse looked good." Walk further into the deep dark wood, and discover what happens when a quick-witted mouse comes face to face with an owl, a snake... and a hungry Gruffalo! Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler's The Gruffalo is an undisputed modern classic and has become a best-selling phenomenon across the world with over 13.5 million copies sold. This award-winning rhyming story of a mouse and a monster has found its way into the hearts and bedtimes of an entire generation of children and will undoubtedly continue to enchant children for years and years to come. No home should be without The Gruffalo! This edition features the classic story with a stunning redesigned cover and beautiful finish, making it a must-have addition to the bookshelves of all Donaldson and Scheffler fans - big and small! Also available with redesigned covers are The...
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