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Sons and Lovers = Сыновья и любовники: роман на англ.яз - Lawrence D.H.

Sons and Lovers = Synov'ia i liubovniki: roman na angl.iaz
Lawrence D.H. (Lawrence D.H.)

Item ID : 1060016
SKU : VV1060016
ISBN : 9785521061303

Pages : 594
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2018
Publisher : Т8 RUGRAM ( T8 RUGRAM )

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Краткая аннотация

Sons and Lovers is a wonderful novel on the complex nature of love in its many forms. We follow the lives of the Morel family who live in a coal mining community in Nottinghamshire at the turn of the twentieth century. Walter and Gertrude's marriage has problems and Gertrude concentrates her love and hopes on her sons. She becomes a dominating force to them and the life choices they make. The sons suffer with obsession, frustration and indecision about the women in their lives.

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