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Youth: a Narrative & The End of the Tether = Конец троса: роман на англ.яз - Conrad J.

Youth: a Narrative & The End of the Tether = Konets trosa: roman na angl.iaz
Conrad J. (Conrad J.)

Item ID : 1065058
SKU : VV1065058
ISBN : 9785521064502

Pages : 240
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2018
Publisher : Т8 RUGRAM ( T8 RUGRAM )

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Portraying a young man's first sea-voyage to the East in Youth, and the blind old age of Captain Whalley in The End of the Tether, the stories in this volume are united in their theme — the 'Ages of Man' — and in their scepticism. Conrad's vision has influenced twentieth-century writers and artists from T. S. Eliot to Jorge Luis Borges and Werner Herzog, and continues to draw critical fire.

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