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The Crater; or, Vulcan’s Peak: A Tale of the Pacific = Кратер, или Пик вулкана: кн. на англ.яз - Cooper J.F.

The Crater; or, Vulcan’s Peak: A Tale of the Pacific = Krater, ili Pik vulkana: kn. na angl.iaz
Cooper J.F. (Cooper J.F.)

Item ID : 1068132
SKU : VV1068132
ISBN : 9785521066599

Pages : 618
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2018
Publisher : Т8 RUGRAM ( T8 RUGRAM )

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Краткая аннотация

The Crater; or, Vulcan's Peak: a Tale of the Pacific is a novel in which Cooper incorporated knowledge of ship construction he had acquired while working as a U.S. Navy midshipman in the 1810s. From merely surviving the loss of his shipmates and the embayment of his ship within The Reef, protagonist and role-model Mark Woolston goes on to thrive by his own industry. Following a regional volcanic upheaval which raises new land, he founds a similarly industrious and thriving colony after escaping from, then returning to, The Reef. The outnumbered colonists must defend their new homes and possessions against natives who covet the new land.

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