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Morning Star = Утренняя звезда: кн. на англ.яз - Haggard H.R.

Morning Star = Utrenniaia zvezda: kn. na angl.iaz
Haggard H.R. (Haggard H.R.)

Item ID : 1069984
SKU : VV1069984
ISBN : 9785521066223

Pages : 306
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2018
Publisher : Т8 RUGRAM ( T8 RUGRAM )

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This novel takes place in ancient Egypt. The hero, prince Rames, goes through many challenges and daring encounters to win his way through to the woman he loved with all his heart and the recognition that was rightfully his. Neter-Tua, The Morning Star, daughter of the Pharaoh, daughter of the ages, high priestess of Amen, beautiful and glorious as no woman before her, sent down by the god.

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