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Colonel Jack = Полковник Джек: роман на англ.яз - Defoe D.

Colonel Jack = Polkovnik Dzhek: roman na angl.iaz
Defoe D. (Defoe D.)

Item ID : 1076301
SKU : VV1076301
ISBN : 9785521064267

Pages : 398
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2018
Publisher : Т8 RUGRAM ( T8 RUGRAM )

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Colonel Jack is one of Daniel Defoe's most entertaining, revealing, and complex works. It is the supposed autobiography of an English gentleman who begins life as a child of the London streets. He and his brothers are brought up as pickpockets and highwaymen, but Jack seeks to improve himself. Kidnapped and taken to America, he becomes first a slave, then an overseer on plantations in Maryland. Jack's story is one of dramatic turns of fortune that ultimately lead to a life of law-abiding prosperity as a plantation owner.

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