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Short Stories. Round the Sofa = Сборник рассказов: Круг вокруг дивана: на англ.яз - Gaskell E.C.

Short Stories. Round the Sofa = Sbornik rasskazov: Krug vokrug divana: na angl.iaz
Gaskell E.C. (Gaskell E.C.)

Item ID : 1084213
SKU : VV1084213
ISBN : 9785521068319

Pages : 510
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2018
Publisher : Т8 RUGRAM ( T8 RUGRAM )

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Краткая аннотация

Set against the backdrop of the Salem witch hunts, Elizabeth Gaskell's somber novella reveals much about the complicity of mankind. Recently orphaned, Lois is forced to leave the English parsonage that had been her home and sail to America. When the girl joins her distant family, she finds jealousy and dissension are rife, and her cousins quick to point the finger at the "imposter." With the whole of Salem gripped by a fear of the supernatural, it seems her new home is where she is in most danger. Lonely and afraid, the words of an old curse return to haunt her.

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