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The Purcell Papers 1 = Документы Перселла 1: на англ.яз - Fanu J.F.le

The Purcell Papers 1 = Dokumenty Persella 1: na angl.iaz
Fanu J.F.le (Fanu J.F.le)

Item ID : 1090576
SKU : VV1090576
ISBN : 9785521071166

Pages : 134
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2018
Publisher : Т8 RUGRAM ( T8 RUGRAM )

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Joseph Thomas Sheridan Le Fanu (1814 —1873) was an Irish writer of Gothic novels, one of the most influential ghost story writers of the nineteenth century. "The Purcell Papers I" is a collection of early works of the author, united by one vivid dark theme. All these stories are a prime example of Victorian Gothic art, which inspired a whole genre.

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