Корни сталинского большевизма. Узловой нерв рус.ис - Пыжиков А.В.
Korni stalinskogo bol'shevizma. Uzlovoi nerv rus.is
Пыжиков А.В. (Pyzhikov A.V.)
Item ID : 1115082
SKU : VV1115082
ISBN : 9785907079083
Pages : 0
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2023
Publisher : Концептуал ( Kontseptual )
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Пыжиков А.В. (Pyzhikov A.V.)
Item ID : 1115082
SKU : VV1115082
ISBN : 9785907079083
Pages : 0
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2023
Publisher : Концептуал ( Kontseptual )
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Краткая аннотация
Эта книга — попытка разобраться в бурных перипетиях нашей истории, приведших, в итоге, к слому государственного строя в России в 1917 году. Их причины автор связывает с конфессиональным расколом второй половины XVII века, сформировавшим иной (латентный) образ жизни и мысли не одного миллиона русских, известный нам как старообрядчество. На чем основано авторское утверждение, что староверие — это узловой нерв русской истории? Каким образом это связано со сталинским большевизмом? На чем строились агитпроповские битвы за умы простых людей? Какую роль играли в ней советские писатели? Чего вообще стоила борьба за власть в СССР? Как и почему ее последствия сказываются сегодня? На страницах книги всплывают реальные портреты участников ключевых исторических и культурных событий, приводятся ссылки на их воспоминания, произведения и архивные документы. Книга адресована самому широкому кругу читателей.
Brief Summary
Abstract to the book "The Roots of Stalin's Bolsy. The knotted nerve of Russian history" by A.V.:
The book "Roots of Stalin's Bolsevism" is a bold attempt to understand the turbulent vicissitudes of our history, which eventually led to the collapse of the state system in Russia in 1917. Alexander Pyzhikov attributes their reasons to the confessional schism of the second half of the 17th century, which formed a different (latent) way of life and thought of more than one million Russians, known to us as old-fashioned.
What is the basis of the author's assertion that old faith is the knot of Russian history? How does this relate to Stalin's Bolsyism? What were the agitprop battles for the minds of ordinary people built on? What role did Soviet writers play in it? What was the struggle for power in the USSR worth at all? How and why are its consequences affected today?
Real portraits of participants of key historical and cultural events pop up on the pages of the book, and references to their memories, works and archival documents. The book is addressed to the widest range of readers.
The book "Roots of Stalin's Bolsevism" is a bold attempt to understand the turbulent vicissitudes of our history, which eventually led to the collapse of the state system in Russia in 1917. Alexander Pyzhikov attributes their reasons to the confessional schism of the second half of the 17th century, which formed a different (latent) way of life and thought of more than one million Russians, known to us as old-fashioned.
What is the basis of the author's assertion that old faith is the knot of Russian history? How does this relate to Stalin's Bolsyism? What were the agitprop battles for the minds of ordinary people built on? What role did Soviet writers play in it? What was the struggle for power in the USSR worth at all? How and why are its consequences affected today?
Real portraits of participants of key historical and cultural events pop up on the pages of the book, and references to their memories, works and archival documents. The book is addressed to the widest range of readers.
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