Фермерский обед.Как создать кулинарные шедевры из натуральных продуктов - Карпова О.
Fermerskii obed.Kak sozdat' kulinarnye shedevry iz natural'nykh produktov
Карпова О. (Karpova O.)
Item ID : 1121267
SKU : VV1121267
ISBN : 9785950096235
Pages : 160
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2019
Publisher : Интеллектуальная Литература ( Intellektual'naia Literatura )
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Карпова О. (Karpova O.)
Item ID : 1121267
SKU : VV1121267
ISBN : 9785950096235
Pages : 160
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2019
Publisher : Интеллектуальная Литература ( Intellektual'naia Literatura )
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Краткая аннотация
ОЛЬГА КАРПОВА - жена и мама двух сыновей. Предприниматель. Основатель и идеолог проекта «Семейная ферма "Для своих"». Много учится: выпускница филологического факультета МГУ, знает несколько языков, даже древние, выпускница курса программы «Практикум для директоров» бизнес-школы «СКОЛКОВО». Несмотря на большое количество работы, считает, что главное при этом - всегда оставаться хорошей хозяйкой в своем доме. Этой книгой Ольга хочет вдохновить каждую женщину не бояться экспериментов и готовить вкусные обеды и ужины для своих близких. В книгу вошли лучшие рецепты с обедов, которые она проводила на своей ферме вместе с талантливыми шеф-поварами и рестораторами. Основа каждого рецепта - сезонные фермерские продукты: домашний сыр, яйца, птица, мясо, овощи, ягода. Ольга рекомендует не относиться к процессу готовки слишком серьезно и не бояться добавлять в процесс свое виденье, превращая базовые продукты в настоящие шедевры.
Brief Summary
Farm lunch. How to create culinary masterpieces from natural products Olga Karpova - 75 ideas: interesting combinations of products, unusual technologies and easy execution. - The authors of the recipes are the best chefs in Moscow. All dishes can be prepared at home in the kitchen. The quote 'I'll be very happy if my book inspires you to cook delicious dinners or dinners for loved ones. Don't be afraid to experiment, add your vision! And if I don't give individual reservations, don't take proportions too seriously, because we cooked these recipes on the farm, in the open area, right in front of our guests, to show how delicious the food comes from seasonal local natural Products!' What this book was born about as a continuation of the project #фермерскийобеддлясвоих - dinner parties that Olga Karpova organizes on her family farm. It gathers up to 80 people at the table and invites famous Moscow chefs to treat all present with refined and useful food. Aleksandr Gavrilichev, Igor Kotov, Sergey Dushkov, Vasily Emelianenko, Ivanchenko, Olga and Pavel Sutkin, Yanis Melisidis, Alexander Gavrilichev, Maya Gegidze, Nurettin Karadash and Olga Slutskaya have adapted their best recipes and developed new ones specifically for this project. Olga brought some of the recipes from culinary trips to Greece and Georgia. The book contains 75 simple recipes from farm products. Dishes are chosen on relevance at one time or another time of year. Here you will find recipes for the New Year's table, carnival, Easter and those that can be prepared during the fasting period. You will feel like a real chef without spending a lot of time. Why the book is worthy of reading - you will stop being afraid of culinary experiments and discover unusual combinations of products and new tastes. - With the suggested recipes, you will diversify the home menu with unusual dishes from natural products. - Recipes are selected by seasons - at any time of the year you can cook something interesting using available products. - Famous Moscow chefs have adapted restaurant dishes for cooking in the home kitchen. You're going to make it! Who is the author Olga Karpova is the wife, mother of two sons. Entrepreneur. Founder and ideologist of the 'Family Farm for Your Own' project. She graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University and knows several languages, including ancient ones. Graduate of the 'Practice for Principals' course of the SKOLKOVO Business School. Despite the large amount of work, he believes that the main thing is always to remain a good hostess in his home. For whom this book Is For All Cooks - both Advanced and Beginners. Experts' opinions 'I am friends with Olga and participate in her projects, because she does everything with love and with some incredible diligence and diligence! She also has great taste and knows food better than some chefs!' Vasily Emelianenko,
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