The Medical History of a Surgical Patient - Мерзликин Н.В., Бражникова Н.А., Цхай В.Ф.
The Medical History of a Surgical Patient
Мерзликин Н.В., Бражникова Н.А., Цхай В.Ф. (Merzlikin N.V., Brazhnikova N.A., Tskhai V.F.)
Item ID : 1171587
SKU : VV1171587
ISBN : 9785970444658
Pages : 120
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2018
Publisher : ГЭОТАР-Медиа ( GEOTAR-Media )
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Мерзликин Н.В., Бражникова Н.А., Цхай В.Ф. (Merzlikin N.V., Brazhnikova N.A., Tskhai V.F.)
Item ID : 1171587
SKU : VV1171587
ISBN : 9785970444658
Pages : 120
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2018
Publisher : ГЭОТАР-Медиа ( GEOTAR-Media )
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Краткая аннотация
This tutorial aims to formalize a standardized approach to the design of the medical history of a surgical patient. It gives detailed recommendations for the proper anamnesis collection, description of objective status, diagnosis and its substantiation, and diff erential diagnosis. It describes the order of documents registration for preparing and performing surgical intervention and anesthesia. It pays particular attention to the correct interpretation of the follow-up examination results. The appendices contain reference ranges for laboratory tests, a short version of the International Classifi cation of Diseases, interpretation of indicators of blood and urine tests on automatic analyzers, the new nomenclature of standard and surgical diets, recommendations for the prevention of infectious and thromboembolic complications, and registered forms of medical records.The tutorial is designed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of higher professional education for students pursuing a degree in General Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry.
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