Чертеж Ньютона - Александр Иличевский
Chertezh N'iutona
Александр Иличевский (Aleksandr Ilichevskii)
Item ID : 1196685
Seria : Иличевский: проза
SKU : VV1196685
ISBN : 9785171165444
Pages : 352
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2021
Publisher : ООО Издательство АСТ ( OOO Izdatel'stvo AST )
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Александр Иличевский (Aleksandr Ilichevskii)
Item ID : 1196685
Seria : Иличевский: проза
SKU : VV1196685
ISBN : 9785171165444
Pages : 352
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2021
Publisher : ООО Издательство АСТ ( OOO Izdatel'stvo AST )
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Краткая аннотация
Александр Иличевский (р. 1970) — прозаик и поэт, лауреат премий "Русский Букер" ("Матисс") и "Большая книга" ("Перс").Герой его нового романа "Чертеж Ньютона" совершает три больших путешествия: держа путь в американскую религиозную секту, пересекает на машине пустыню Невада, всматривается в ее ландшафт, ночует в захолустных городках; разбирает наследие заброшенной советской лаборатории на Памире, среди гор и местных жителей с их нехитрым бытом и глубокими верованиями; ищет в Иерусалиме отца — известного поэта, мечтателя, бродягу, кумира творческих тусовок и знатока древней истории Святой Земли…“Чертеж Ньютона” — книга с обширной, подробной и красочной географией: Невада, Памир, Иерусалим… Главный герой — физик, занимающийся "проблемой темной материи", — ищет пропавшего отца. Этот поиск в более широком смысле оборачивается метафорической встречей с утраченным Богом или же богом-с-маленькой-буквы — некой магистральной идеей, в которую ты веришь. И на самом деле, неважно, наука это или религия. Как нередко говорил католический святой падре Пио своим духовным детям, жаловавшимся на богооставленность: “Сын мой, ты Ему слишком дорого обошелся для того, чтобы Он тебя оставил”. Если разобраться, в корне этого утверждения — чистая физика. (Сергей Кумыш, "РБК СТИЛЬ")
Brief Summary
Alexander Ilichevsky (b. 1970) is a prose poet and poet, winner of the Russian Booker Prize (Matisse) and The Big Book (Perth).
The hero of his new novel "Newton's Drawing" makes three big journeys: holding the way to an American religious sect, crossing the Nevada desert by car, peering into its landscape, sleeping in provincial towns; disassembles the heritage of an abandoned Soviet laboratory on Pamir, among the mountains and locals with their simple life and deep beliefs; looking for in Jerusalem father - a famous poet, dreamer, tramp, idol of creative parties and connoisseur of ancient history of the Holy Land ...
"Newton's Drawing" is a book with extensive, detailed and colorful geography: Nevada, Pamir, Jerusalem... The main character - a physicist dealing with the "problem of dark matter" - is looking for a missing father. This search more broadly turns into a metaphorical encounter with a lost God or a god-with-small-letter - some kind of backbone idea in which you believe. And in fact, it doesn't matter if it's science or religion. As the Catholic holy padre Pio often said to his spiritual children, who complained of God's abandonment: "My son, you cost him too much for Him to leave you." If you understand, at the root of this statement - pure physics.
Sergey Kumysh, RBC STYLE
The hero of his new novel "Newton's Drawing" makes three big journeys: holding the way to an American religious sect, crossing the Nevada desert by car, peering into its landscape, sleeping in provincial towns; disassembles the heritage of an abandoned Soviet laboratory on Pamir, among the mountains and locals with their simple life and deep beliefs; looking for in Jerusalem father - a famous poet, dreamer, tramp, idol of creative parties and connoisseur of ancient history of the Holy Land ...
"Newton's Drawing" is a book with extensive, detailed and colorful geography: Nevada, Pamir, Jerusalem... The main character - a physicist dealing with the "problem of dark matter" - is looking for a missing father. This search more broadly turns into a metaphorical encounter with a lost God or a god-with-small-letter - some kind of backbone idea in which you believe. And in fact, it doesn't matter if it's science or religion. As the Catholic holy padre Pio often said to his spiritual children, who complained of God's abandonment: "My son, you cost him too much for Him to leave you." If you understand, at the root of this statement - pure physics.
Sergey Kumysh, RBC STYLE
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