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История Вечного Жида - Корнелиано К.

Istoriia Vechnogo Zhida
Корнелиано К. (Korneliano K.)

Item ID : 1200640
SKU : 148721
ISBN : 9785001650225

Pages : 146
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2020
Publisher : Алетейя, СПб ( Aleteiia, SPb )

You Pay: $53.95

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Краткая аннотация

Роман Карло Пазеро де Корнелиано (1790–1845) стоит в ряду выдающихся просветительских романов XVIII века и примыкает к жанру романа-путешествия, который воплотился в творчествеФилдинга, Смолетта, Монтескье и др. Главной фигурой романа является Вечный Жи


Brief Summary

The novel by Carlo Pazero de Corneliano (1790-1845) is one of the outstanding educational novels of the 18th century and abuts the genre of the novel-travel, which is embodied in the works of Fielding, Smolett, Montesquieu, etc. The main figure of the novel is the Eternal, who himself made his biography and recreated a picture of his wanderings by country and centuries from ancient Greece and Rome to the New Age. The Annex to the book contains legends about the Eternal Yida, reflected in medieval literature and folklore.

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