Preliminary for Schools Trainer 1(Exams 2020) -
Preliminary for Schools Trainer 1(Exams 2020)
Item ID : 1210196
Seria : Trainer
SKU : VV1210196
ISBN : 9781108528887
Pages : 240
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Cambridge ( Cambridge )
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Item ID : 1210196
Seria : Trainer
SKU : VV1210196
ISBN : 9781108528887
Pages : 240
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Cambridge ( Cambridge )
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Краткая аннотация
Six full practice tests plus easy-to-follow expert guidance and exam tips designed to guarantee exam success. B1 Preliminary for Schools Trainer includes six full practice tests, the first two with easy-to-follow, expert guidance. The two guided tests include: 42 Tips, 24 Advice boxes, 12 Remember boxes, Training activities, Exam practice, Exam orientation and frequently asked questions. Build confidence in each exam paper by following the step-by-step guidance, tips and strategies in the Training and Exam Practice exercises in the first two tests. Develop exam technique with the final four tests, applying the lessons, techniques and hints acquired in Tests 1 and 2. Key features Designed for use both in the classroom and as self study. Includes six authored tests, two tests with guidance tips and exercises to help students tackle each part of each paper. Tests 1 & 2 contain information about the exam as well as step-by-step guidance, exercises and tips. Tests 3 - 6 are...
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