Teaching Lexically - Dellar Hugh
Teaching Lexically
Dellar Hugh (Dellar Hugh)
Item ID : 1295615
Seria : Delta Teacher Development
SKU : VV1295615
ISBN : 9783125013612
Pages : 152
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Delta Publishing ( Delta Publishing )
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Dellar Hugh (Dellar Hugh)
Item ID : 1295615
Seria : Delta Teacher Development
SKU : VV1295615
ISBN : 9783125013612
Pages : 152
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Delta Publishing ( Delta Publishing )
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Краткая аннотация
Teaching Lexically shows what a lexical view of language looks like, and explores how it differs from a more traditional 'grammar + words' view. It then considers what implications such a view might have for classroom practice. At the heart of Teaching Lexically are three main ideas: Grammar and vocabulary are both taught better in combination. Context is absolutely central. Classrooms need to be input-rich; and input needs to be useful. Teaching Lexically contains three distinctive parts which focus in turn on theory, practice and development. Part A provides a detailed exploration of the core ideas behind lexical teaching. The authors begin with the principles that explain how and why people learn, before presenting two competing views of language - 'grammar + words' (and skills) and a lexical view. They close with an in-depth exploration of how language looks when seen from a lexical perspective. Part B contains a bank of activities that puts into...
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