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Pathology: Textbook - Грачев С.В., Салтыков А.Б., Хитров А.Н

Pathology: Textbook
Грачев С.В., Салтыков А.Б., Хитров А.Н (Grachev S.V., Saltykov A.B., Khitrov A.N)

Item ID : 1332401
SKU : VV1332401
ISBN : 9785998603860

Pages : 0
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2020
Publisher : Изд.МИА ( Izd.MIA )

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Краткая аннотация

The textbook examines the typical forms of structural and functional pathology that are characteristic for cellular, tissue, organ, and other levels of vital activity. The emphasis is on the interrelationship of functional, biochemical and structural changes, as well as disadaptive and adaptive responses. Each chapter is accompanied by control questions and test tasks. The material is prepared taking into account the program on discipline "Pathology" and is intended for students of higher medical educational institutions, studying in the specialty of pharmacy. The study of this material contributes to the formation of general cultural (GK) and professional (PC) competencies: - the ability to abstract thought, analysis, synthesis (GK-1); - the ability to assess morpho-functional physiological states and pathological processes in human body for solving professional problems (PC-8).

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