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Persuasion - Austen Jane

Austen Jane (Austen Jane)

Item ID : 1355370
SKU : VV1355370
ISBN : 9781785996368

Pages : 224
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Arcturus ( Arcturus )

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l am half agony, half hope.'Anne Elliot lost the love of her life eight years earlier and the sorrow lingers on. Yet the dashing Captain Wentworth did not desert her; it was Anne who rejected him because she 'was persuaded that she could make a better match.She never did.Suddenly, life deals them a second chance. Anne and Wentworth meet again on the social circuit. He acts coolly and even openly courts a younger woman, yet Anne remains painfully alert for the slightest hint that their love might be rekindled.Persuasion was Austen's last novel, published posthumously in 1818.

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