A Tale of Two Cities - Dickens Charles
A Tale of Two Cities
Dickens Charles (Dickens Charles)
Item ID : 1355388
SKU : VV1355388
ISBN : 9781788280587
Pages : 364
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Arcturus ( Arcturus )
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Dickens Charles (Dickens Charles)
Item ID : 1355388
SKU : VV1355388
ISBN : 9781788280587
Pages : 364
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Arcturus ( Arcturus )
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Краткая аннотация
"It is a far, far better thing that I do than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that i go to than I have ever known."A Tate of Two Cities 11859) moves between two great European capitals, London and Paris, before and during the French Revolution. The struggle between the proletariats and the aristocracy in France and how the implacable hatred between the two threatens to destroy the happiness of exiled French nobleman Charles Darnay and his beautiful wife, Lucie Manette. are the twin themes of the story.When Darnay risks death by returning to Paris, Sydney Carton, a dissolute barrister who several years earlier had promised to embrace any sacrifice for Lucie and those dear to her, sets out to save the young aristocrat, at any price.
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