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The Scarlet Letter - Hawthorne Nathaniel

The Scarlet Letter
Hawthorne Nathaniel (Hawthorne Nathaniel)

Item ID : 1355414
SKU : VV1355414
ISBN : 9781848373235

Pages : 222
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Arcturus ( Arcturus )

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Краткая аннотация

The elderly husband of Hester Prynne returns unexpectedly to their New England village to find his wife nursing an illegitimate baby and wearing a scarlet letter 'A' - for Adulteress - embroidered on her dress. While her husband embarks on a vengeful hunt for the child's father, Hester refuses to name him because he holds a recpected position in the Puritan community. In desperation, the lovers make a secret plan to flee to Europe with their young daughter. A classic tale that caused a stir in 1850 America and remains a milestone in American fiction.

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