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Classic Ghost Stories - Brockman Robin

Classic Ghost Stories
Brockman Robin (Brockman Robin)

Item ID : 1355724
SKU : VV1355724
ISBN : 9781785992797

Pages : 390
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2016
Publisher : Arcturus ( Arcturus )

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There's nothing like a good ghost story to give you a frisson of fear on a dark winter's night. Gathered in this haunting collection are twenty-seven of the very best of their genre by British and American masters.These are classic tales from the heyday of ghost fiction, when the great names of literature contributed to the genre as a matter of course -authors such as Ambrose Bierce (The Moonlit Road),Wilkie Collins (Miss Jeromette and the Clergyman),Conan Doyle (The Captain of the Pole-star), Charles Dickens (The Goblins Who Stole a Sexton), Mrs Gaskell (The Old Nurse's Story), Thomas Hardy (The Withered Arm), Nathaniel Hawthorne (The Hollow of the Three Hills), O. Henry (The Furnished Room), Jerome K.Jerome (The Haunted Mill), de Maupassant (A Ghost),Edgar Allan Poe (The Oval Portrait), Robert Louis Stevenson (The Body Snatcher), Thackeray (The Devil's Wage) and Oscar Wilde (The Canterville Ghost).

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