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Grimms Fairy Tales' - Grimm Jacob & Wilhelm

Grimms Fairy Tales'
Grimm Jacob & Wilhelm (Grimm Jacob & Wilhelm)

Item ID : 1355729
SKU : VV1355729
ISBN : 9781785994234

Pages : 236
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Arcturus ( Arcturus )

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Originally entitled Children's and Household Tales, Grimm's Fairy Tales were first published by the brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm in the early nineteenth century.This selection contains forty-five stories and includes some of the best known, such as 'Briar- Rose' (perhaps better known as 'Sleeping Beauty'), and 'Little Red-Cap' ('Little Red Riding Hood'), as well as some of the lesser known tales, like 'The Mouse, the Bird and the Sausage', 'The Iron Stove' and 'The Hare and the Hedgehog'.Handsome princes and princesses, wicked witches and step-mothers, benevolent kings and fortune seekers abound among the stories that were collected from all over Germany in the folklore tradition. But no matter what the moral of the story, good always triumphs over evil.

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