Friends 1 WB - Lesnikowska Ela
Friends 1 WB
Lesnikowska Ela (Lesnikowska Ela)
Item ID : 1375605
Seria : Friends
SKU : VV1375605
ISBN : 9780582306585
Pages : 87
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2017
Publisher : Pearson ( Pearson )
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Lesnikowska Ela (Lesnikowska Ela)
Item ID : 1375605
Seria : Friends
SKU : VV1375605
ISBN : 9780582306585
Pages : 87
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2017
Publisher : Pearson ( Pearson )
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Краткая аннотация
Dual entry flexibility. Friends is a flexible 4-level course with two entry points - Starter for complete beginners and Level 1 for false beginners Variety, humour, interest. Friends involves students with a variety of different contexts including humour, fiction, real-life and cross-culture. Consistently clear. Friends builds confidence with grammar and vocabulary taught in three clears steps - presentation, comprehension and practice. Special skills sections. Culture, Reading and Skills Corners provide lots of practice in all four skills, with particular attention to reading. Skills strategy boxes give step-by-step guidance in skills development. Emphasis on vocabulary. Vocabulary is presented and practised in lexical sets, making it easier to learn and remember. Support for everyone. Tests, projects, games and songs, plus a huge variety of support material provide for ALL your students' needs.
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