GoGetter 2 SBk +MyEnglishLab+Extra OnlineHomework - Croxford Jayne
GoGetter 2 SBk +MyEnglishLab+Extra OnlineHomework
Croxford Jayne (Croxford Jayne)
Item ID : 1375641
Seria : GoGetter
SKU : VV1375641
ISBN : 9781292210018
Pages :
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2017
Publisher : Pearson ( Pearson )
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Croxford Jayne (Croxford Jayne)
Item ID : 1375641
Seria : GoGetter
SKU : VV1375641
ISBN : 9781292210018
Pages :
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2017
Publisher : Pearson ( Pearson )
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Students can: be inspired with colourful artwork, BBC content, and motivating videos. learn how to self-assess with Check yourself!, a key skill for future work. get familiar with exam-style practice tasks for success in tests/exams. develop key 21st century skills for further/higher education and workplace. remember and retain language through varied practice activities, language reference boxes, wordlists and check yourself sections. Teachers can save time using the automated Gradebook in the Online Workbook, so more time to support weaker students get instant online reports so less time worrying if work has been completed and more time focusing on progress motivate their teenagers with interactive activities and course video at home or in the classroom take MyEnglishLab anywhere with them, assign activities in the class or for home, easily check if work has been completed, as it's available on all devices support mixed-ability...
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