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Wider World 3 SB + Active Book - Barraclough Carolyn

Wider World 3 SB + Active Book
Barraclough Carolyn (Barraclough Carolyn)

Item ID : 1375663
Seria : Wider World
SKU : VV1375663
ISBN : 9781292415987

Pages : 144
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2021
Publisher : Pearson ( Pearson )

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Wider World is the portal to a fascinating world of English Language knowledge and skills for the 21st century learner. The combination of authentic and engaging videos from the BBC with Pearson's ELT expertise gives teenage learners everything they need to achieve their goals in the wider world. * 9 units and a Starter unit with 72-120 hours of teaching material * 12 pages per unit * Video (Drama, BBC Vox Pops and BBC Culture) with every unit * One lesson per page (or opening), one skill focus per lesson * English (GSE) and adapted to be student friendly and to include topic information * Wordlist with exercises activating key vocabulary and Revision for every unit * BBC Culture lessons in every unit based on an intriguing question * Grammar Time: grammar reference and practice activities for every grammar lesson * Exam Time: the Listening and Speaking parts of the relevant * PTE General and Cambridge English exams * 5 extra CLIL lessons * 2 extra Culture lessons about the English speaking world

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