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MyGrammarLab Advanced C1/C2 CBk+MyEnglLab(Self stu - Foley Mark

MyGrammarLab Advanced C1/C2 CBk+MyEnglLab(Self stu
Foley Mark (Foley Mark)

Item ID : 1375720
Seria : MyGrammarLab
SKU : VV1375720
ISBN : 9781408299111

Pages :
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2021
Publisher : Pearson ( Pearson )

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You Pay: $299.70

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Краткая аннотация

MyGrammarLab teaches and practises grammar though a unique blend of book, online and mobile resources – offering every learner of English the opportunity to study grammar in the way that best suits their needs. The MyGrammarLab series takes learners from elementary to advanced grammar, each level benchmarked against the Common European Framework, and provides grammar practice for internationally recognised exams. With its learning hints and tips, immediate feedback, automatic grading and grammar tutor videos, this course is ideal for selfstudy, as well as being a great grammar reference and practice companion to your English language course.

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