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MyGrammarLab Int with Key +MEL Pk - Foley Mark

MyGrammarLab Int with Key +MEL Pk
Foley Mark (Foley Mark)

Item ID : 1375721
Seria : MyGrammarLab
SKU : VV1375721
ISBN : 9781408299159

Pages : 395
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2014
Publisher : Pearson ( Pearson )

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Краткая аннотация

Think all grammar courses are the same? Think again... MyGrammarLab is a unique blend of book, online and mobile resources that ensures you have all the information and practice you need to master English grammar. Book: - Easy-to-understand explanations using the Longman Defining Vocabulary - a simple vocabulary of just 2000 words. - Topic-based modules and natural examples showing grammar in use. - Information on common errors and how to avoid making them. - Information on the pronunciation of grammar items. - Practice exercises for every unit. - Review sections to consolidate learning. - Exit tests to check understanding. - Grammar Check and full glossary of grammar terms for quick grammar reference.

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