My Little Island 3 PBk + CD-ROM - Dyson Leone
My Little Island 3 PBk + CD-ROM
Dyson Leone (Dyson Leone)
Item ID : 1375736
Seria : My Little Island
SKU : VV1375736
ISBN : 9781447913627
Pages :
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2020
Publisher : Pearson ( Pearson )
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Dyson Leone (Dyson Leone)
Item ID : 1375736
Seria : My Little Island
SKU : VV1375736
ISBN : 9781447913627
Pages :
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2020
Publisher : Pearson ( Pearson )
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Краткая аннотация
Eight thematic units follow, and include presentation and practice of the new lexical sets of vocabulary and language structures. Vocabulary builds throughout the course, children listen to stories with target language; sing songs and say chants; color, match, and draw; play games, collaborate, and communicate with partners, in small groups, and with the whole class. The CD-ROM features course stories, as well as matching, sorting, concentration, and multiple-choice games and activities.
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