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Discover English 1 SB - Hearn Izabella

Discover English 1 SB
Hearn Izabella (Hearn Izabella)

Item ID : 1377485
Seria : Discover English
SKU : VV1377485
ISBN : 9781405866279

Pages : 112
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2017
Publisher : Pearson ( Pearson )

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Discover English provides a solid grammar and lexical syllabus with the perfect mix of variety and challenge to motivate young teenagers. The course uses simple tried and tested principles to address the needs of a modern student. The learners are encouraged to explore foreign countries and learn about different cultures. They are also involved and motivated by unusual tasks, such as designing computer games, breaking codes or learning more about themselves - all this and more, as their English improves!

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