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King Solomons Mines & Allan Quatermain' - Haggard Henry Rider

King Solomons Mines & Allan Quatermain'
Haggard Henry Rider (Haggard Henry Rider)

Item ID : 1383132
Seria : Children’s Classics
SKU : VV1383132
ISBN : 9781840226287

Pages : 496
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2016
Publisher : Wordsworth ( Wordsworth )

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In King Solomon's Mines, Sir Henry Curtis and Captain Good persuade Allan Quatermain to help them find Sir Henry's brother George, who has gone missing in the unexplored African interior while searching for the legendary treasure trove of a lost kingdom. Quatermain agrees to lead the expedition, though he has little hope they will return alive. After suffering unimaginable hardships, they find the treasure hidden deep within a mountain, but while they are admiring the hoard the vast stone door closes. Their store of food and water rapidly runs out and the trapped men prepare to die, but in the nick of time they find a way of escape. On their return trek to civilisation they succeed in the purpose of their expedition when they miraculously come upon George Curtis, alive and well. They return to England with enough of the treasure to live in style, but Allan Quatermain lures them back for more African adventures. In Allan Quatermain, the trio undertake the search for the kingdom of...

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