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Haunted Hotel & Other strange tales - Collins Wilkie

Haunted Hotel & Other strange tales
Collins Wilkie (Collins Wilkie)

Item ID : 1383142
Seria : Tales of Mystery & the Supernatural
SKU : VV1383142
ISBN : 9781840225334

Pages : 318
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2006
Publisher : Wordsworth ( Wordsworth )

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This is a unique collection of strange stories from the cunning pen of Wilkie Collins, author of The Woman in White and The Moonstone. The star attraction is the novella The Haunted Hotel, a clever combination of detective and ghost story set in Venice, a city of grim waterways, dark shadows and death. The action takes place in an ancient palazzo coverted into a modern hotel that houses a grisly secret. The supernatural horror, relentless pace, tight narrative, and a doomed countess characterise and distinguish this powerful tale.The other stories present equally disturbing scenarios, which include ghosts, corpses that move, family curses and perhaps the most unusual of all, the Devil's spectacles, which bring a clarity of vision that can lead to madness.

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