Wacky Wednesday (Ned) - Dr Seuss
Wacky Wednesday (Ned)
Dr Seuss (Dr Seuss)
Item ID : 1386450
SKU : VV1386450
ISBN : 9780008239961
Pages : 48
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Harpercollins ( Harpercollins )
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Dr Seuss (Dr Seuss)
Item ID : 1386450
SKU : VV1386450
ISBN : 9780008239961
Pages : 48
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Harpercollins ( Harpercollins )
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Краткая аннотация
Just how wacky can a Wednesday get?! With shoes on the wall, tortoises in trees, pigs without legs and teachers on roller skates, children will have lots of fun counting all the wacky things they can find on each spread of this entertaining book. With his unique combination of hilarious stories, zany pictures and riotous rhymes, Dr. Suess has been delighting young children and helping them learn to read for over fifty years. Creator of the wonderfully anarchic Cat in the Hat, and ranked among the UK's top ten favourite children's authors, Dr. Seuss is a global best-seller, with over 650 million books sold worldwide. As part of a major rebrand programme, HarperCollins is relaunching Dr. Seuss's best-selling books. In response to consumer demand, bright new cover designs incorporate much-needed guidance on reading levels. The standard paperbacks divide into three reading strands - Blue Back Books for parents to share with young children, Green Back Books for budding readers to...
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