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Family and Friends (2nd) Starter Workbook - Simmons Naomi

Family and Friends (2nd) Starter Workbook
Simmons Naomi (Simmons Naomi)

Item ID : 1386507
Seria : Family and Friends 2nd Edition
SKU : VV1386507
ISBN : 9780194808019

Pages : 80
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2021
Publisher : Oxford ( Oxford )

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Краткая аннотация

New Family and Friends 2nd Edition combines brand-new fluency, culture, assessment, and digital resources with the features teachers love from the first edition; fast-paced language, strong skills training, unique phonics programme, civic education and comprehensive testing. Features for Family and Friends 2nd edition include real-world fluency development with supporting DVD, interactive Online Practice, new and updated assessment and testing material, and additional culture focus sections. Fluency Time! sections introduce functional, everyday language so pupils can hold a conversation from the very beginning Hands-on project and craft activities provide fun, motivating speaking practice Optional culture pages offer more variety and opportunities for cultural comparisons Online Practice you can assign and track Teacher's Book Plus Package with Classroom Presentation Tool, Fluency DVD and Teacher's Assessment and Resources content. 2nd Edition.

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