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Project (4th Ed) 4 Workbook & CD & ONL PRAC PK - Hutchinson Tom

Project (4th Ed) 4 Workbook & CD & ONL PRAC PK
Hutchinson Tom (Hutchinson Tom)

Item ID : 1387519
Seria : Project 4th Edition
SKU : VV1387519
ISBN : 9780194764780

Pages : 79
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Oxford ( Oxford )

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The Project fourth edition Workbook provides extra practice of all the language covered in the Student's Book. The Workbook comes with an audio CD so that students can practise listening at home and an access card for Project online Practice. Project Online Practice provides extra interactive grammar, vocabulary and skills activities that your students can do for homework or as extra study. Online Practice provides extra interactive activities Audio CD enables students to practise listening at home Grammar summary provides a useful summary of all the grammar from the level Graded exercises mean students can practice at the appropriate level Fourth Edition.

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