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Dead Good Detectives - McLachlan Jenny

Dead Good Detectives
McLachlan Jenny (McLachlan Jenny)

Item ID : 1388181
SKU : VV1388181
ISBN : 9781405298155

Pages : 410
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Farshore ( Farshore )

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A super funny and exciting pirate adventure for readers 8+ by the author of the bestselling Land of Roar series. Perfect for fans of BBC's Ghosts! Sid Jones loves hanging out in the graveyard with her best friend Zen - they are desperate to see a real-life ghost! But when Sid accidentally summons a 300-year-old pirate from the dead, it opens the door to the HALFWAY HOUSE - a magical inn FULL of lost souls from across the ages, all trapped there by a sinister landlord. There are more ghosts that Sid could ever have imagined - and they're all sure Sid is there to save them! (Sid's sure there's been some kind of mistake.) But someone else is watching, and they're not happy about Sid helping the ghosts... Another epic adventure series from the author of the Land of Roar, with magic, peril, pirates, lots of laughs and LOADS of ghosts!

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