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Into the Sideways World - Welford Ross

Into the Sideways World
Welford Ross (Welford Ross)

Item ID : 1388203
SKU : VV1388203
ISBN : 9780008333843

Pages : 364
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2022
Publisher : Harpercollins ( Harpercollins )

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The moving, funny, thrilling and adventured-filled new novel for readers of 10 and up from bestselling author Ross Welford. When twelve-year-olds Willa and Manny hear of a mysterious animal prowling their town, they are determined to prove it is real. Following the creature into a cave one full moon, they are swept into an alternate, ideal, world – one where pollution and conflict have been conquered decades ago and even their own families seem happier. But when they return, no one believes them. So, with a global war looming in their own world, their quest for proof of the Sideways World becomes ever-more urgent, in a nail-biting race against time. And Willa and Manny will have to make an impossible decision: because once you find a perfect world, can you ever leave it behind...?

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