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Endless Night (Ned) - Бесконечная ночь - Christie Agatha

Endless Night (Ned) - Beskonechnaia noch'
Christie Agatha (Christie Agatha)

Item ID : 1388209
SKU : VV1388209
ISBN : 9780008196394

Pages : 248
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2017
Publisher : Harper Collins UK ( Harper Collins UK )

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Agatha Christie's disturbing 1960s mystery thriller, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers. Gipsy's Acre was a truly beautiful upland site with views out to sea - and in Michael Rogers it stirred a child-like fantasy. There, amongst the dark fir trees, he planned to build a house, find a girl and live happily ever after. Yet, as he left the village, a shadow of menace hung over the land. For this was the place where accidents happened. Perhaps Michael should have heeded the locals' warnings: 'There's no luck for them as meddles with Gipsy's Acre.' Michael Rogers is a man who is about to learn the true meaning of the old saying 'In my end is my beginning...'

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