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Technical English 1 Elementary WBk + CD - Jacques Christopher

Technical English 1 Elementary WBk + CD
Jacques Christopher (Jacques Christopher)

Item ID : 1390846
Seria : Technical English
SKU : VV1390846
ISBN : 9781405896535

Pages : 64
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2014
Publisher : Pearson ( Pearson )

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Краткая аннотация

Technical concepts are clearly explained and presented with informative illustrations in this four-level course. Technical English teaches the core language common to a number of specialisations and is ideal for vocational education or for company employees. The topics reflect the most recent developments in technology, keeping learners interested and motivated. Technical English Workbook without key offers a wide variety of practice and review exercices and covers all of the language areas studied in the unit. With audio CD including all the audio material of the workbook.

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