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Activate! A2 SB+AB +CD - Barraclough Carolyn

Activate! A2 SB+AB +CD
Barraclough Carolyn (Barraclough Carolyn)

Item ID : 1390866
Seria : Activate
SKU : VV1390866
ISBN : 9781292143057

Pages : 144
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2016
Publisher : Pearson ( Pearson )

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12 units each having 8 pages Revision every 2 units Active Book and Active Teach: the complete digital components for students and teachers Motivating video clips on the Active Book and Active Teach taken from authentic TV programmes Teenage "exam coach" characters support students in Skillzone and Examzone boxes Speaking File with additional speaking activities to practise language functions Writing File provides guidance on approaching different writing tasks required in exams Vocabulary File with a complete wordlist for ever unit and optional activities for each video clip Grammar File contains full explanations and examples of the grammar in each unit CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) tasks allow students to apply their language skills to other subjects Extensive language skills development and practice in the Workbook and Grammar and Vocabulary Book Comprehensive teacher's support package with materials in the Teacher's...

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