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Guess What! L3 PB - Reed Susannah

Guess What! L3 PB
Reed Susannah (Reed Susannah)

Item ID : 1396362
Seria : Guess What
SKU : VV1396362
ISBN : 9781107528017

Pages : 104
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2015
Publisher : Cambridge ( Cambridge )

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Beautiful world photography, captivating real-life video and interest-grabbing CLIL topics take young learners on a remarkable journey to explore the world as they learn English. Are you ready to explore? Why do whales jump out of water? What makes our bodies move? Guess What! is a six-level course that invites children to explore the world through engaging facts, amazing photography and captivating video. The highly photographic Pupil's Book Level 3 brings lessons to life with engaging characters, topics that spark children's curiosity, and a wide variety of activities, including humorous contextual dialogues, songs, chants, games, stories illustrating social values, functional dialogues, and role play. There are plenty of opportunities for developing children's thinking skills and their knowledge of other subjects in the CLIL lessons.

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