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Think British English 5 SB - Puchta Herbert

Think British English 5 SB
Puchta Herbert (Puchta Herbert)

Item ID : 1400677
Seria : Think 1st Ed
SKU : VV1400677
ISBN : 9781107574700

Pages : 128
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2016
Publisher : Cambridge ( Cambridge )

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Challenge and inspire your teenage learners to think beyond language. Think is a fresh, vibrant course designed to engage teenage learners and make them think. As well as building students' language skills, it offers a holistic approach to learning: developing their thinking skills, encouraging them to reflect on values and building their self-confidence. Topics are chosen to appeal to and challenge teenagers, firing their imagination and ensuring effective learning. Exam-style exercises and tips help students prepare for Cambridge English Key, Preliminary and First. Informed by the Cambridge English Corpus, the course reflects real language usage and 'Get it right' sections help students avoid common mistakes.

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