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Danger at Dead Mans Pass' - Leonard M. G.

Danger at Dead Mans Pass'
Leonard M. G. (Leonard M. G.)

Item ID : 1400712
SKU : VV1400712
ISBN : 9781529013122

Pages : 288
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2021
Publisher : Macmillan Childrens Books' ( Macmillan Childrens Books' )

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Краткая аннотация

Embark on a thrilling fourth adventure in the bestselling, prize-winning Adventures on Trains series - Danger at Dead Man's Pass, from M. G. Leonard and Sam Sedgman, as Harrison Beck investigates an ancient family curse high in the German mountains. Illustrated in black-and-white throughout by Elisa Paganelli. A mysterious letter from an old friend asks Hal and Uncle Nat to help investigate a spooky supernatural mystery. Legend has it the Kratzensteins, a family of rich and powerful railway tycoons, are cursed, but there is no such thing as a curse, is there...? Hal and Nat take the night train to Berlin and go undercover. From a creaking spooky old house at the foot of the Harz mountains, they take the Kratzenstein family's funeral train to the peak of the Brocken Mountain. Can Hal uncover the secrets of the Brocken railway and the family curse before disaster strikes? Danger at Dead Man's Pass can be read as a stand-alone novel, or enjoyed as part of...

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