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Lorax, the (large format PB) - Dr Seuss

Lorax, the (large format PB)
Dr Seuss (Dr Seuss)

Item ID : 1403660
SKU : VV1403660
ISBN : 9780007455935

Pages : 64
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2021
Publisher : Harper Collins UK ( Harper Collins UK )

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The Lorax is the original eco warrior and his message still rings loud today in this fable about the dangers of destroying our forests, told in the trademark rhyme of the irrepressible Dr. Seuss. "Mister! He said with a sawdusty sneeze, I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees." The Lorax is a hilarious and timeless story with the trademark humour and silly rhymes of Dr. Seuss, that packs a punch with its ecological message without feeling heavy-handed or worthy. The Lorax is the original eco warrior as he tries to save the Truffula trees from the greedy once-ler's axe, and the Dr Seuss blend of zany pictures and unique rhyme, rhythm and repetition mean that all ages will learn from and love this wonderful book.

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