The Nature Of Middle-Earth - Tolkien John Ronald Reuel
The Nature Of Middle-Earth
Tolkien John Ronald Reuel (Tolkien John Ronald Reuel)
Item ID : 1420315
SKU : VV1420315
ISBN : 9780008387921
Pages : 442
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2021
Publisher : HarperCollins ( HarperCollins )
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Tolkien John Ronald Reuel (Tolkien John Ronald Reuel)
Item ID : 1420315
SKU : VV1420315
ISBN : 9780008387921
Pages : 442
Cover : Hardcover
Year : 2021
Publisher : HarperCollins ( HarperCollins )
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Краткая аннотация
First ever publication of J.R.R. Tolkien's final writings on Middle-earth, covering a wide range of subjects and perfect for those who have read and enjoyed The Silmarillion, The Lord of the Rings, Unfinished Tales, and The History of Middle-earth, and want to learn more about Tolkien's magnificent world. It is well known that J.R.R. Tolkien published The Hobbit in 1937 and The Lord of the Rings in 1954-5. What may be less known is that he continued to write about Middle-earth in the decades that followed, right up until the years before his death in 1973. For him, Middle-earth was part of an entire world to be explored, and the writings in The Nature Of Middle-Earth reveal the journeys that he took as he sought to better understand his unique creation. From sweeping themes as complex and profound as the metaphysics of Elvish immortality and reincarnation, and the Powers of the Valar, to the more earth-bound subjects of the lands and beasts of Numenor, the geography of...
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