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The History of Middle Earth Index - Tolkien Christopher

The History of Middle Earth Index
Tolkien Christopher (Tolkien Christopher)

Item ID : 1420974
SKU : VV1420974
ISBN : 9780007137435

Pages : 484
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2002
Publisher : HarperCollins ( HarperCollins )

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Complete integrated indices of History of Middle-earth volumes to complement new series. For the first time every index from each of the twelve volumes of The History Of Middle-earth has been published together in a single volume – to create a supreme index charting the writing of Tolkien’s masterpieces The Lord of The Rings and The Silmarillion. This stunning work of reference complements the fascinating History of Middle-earth series, now repackaged to complement the distinctive and classic style of the ‘black cover’ A-format paperbacks of The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales.

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