Oxf Roald Dahl Dictionary - Dahl Roald
Oxf Roald Dahl Dictionary
Dahl Roald (Dahl Roald)
Item ID : 1426231
SKU : VV1426231
ISBN : 9780192736482
Pages : 288
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Oxford ( Oxford )
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Dahl Roald (Dahl Roald)
Item ID : 1426231
SKU : VV1426231
ISBN : 9780192736482
Pages : 288
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Oxford ( Oxford )
Данная книга будет отправлена в течение 14-16 дней. Обратите внимание, что ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫЕ скидки на данную книгу НЕ распространяются.
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For the first time in paperback, this Oxford Roald Dahl Dictionary takes readers aged 8+ on a phizz-whizzing, splendiferous, fantabulous journey deep into the language of Roald Dahl's bestselling children's stories. This is a dictionary which will develop language and literacy skills by igniting the creativity in all readers and writers everywhere. Lots of dictionaries tell you what an 'alligator' is, or how to spell 'balloon' but they won't explain the difference between a 'ringbeller' and a 'trogglehumper', or say why witches need 'gruntles' eggs' or suggest a word for the shape of a 'Knid'. This dictionary does all those things. All the words that Roald Dahl invented are here, like 'biffsquiggled' and 'whizzpopping' to remind you what means what, but that is not all. You'll also find out where words came from, rhyming words, synonyms and lots of alternative words for words that are overused. Oxford Children's Dictionaries are perfect for supporting literacy and learning and this is...
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