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Animal Farm - Orwell George

Animal Farm
Orwell George (Orwell George)

Item ID : 1432303
Seria : Arcturus Essential Orwell
SKU : VV1432303
ISBN : 9781785996238

Pages : 96
Cover : Paperback
Year : 2019
Publisher : Arcturus ( Arcturus )

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Revolution is in the air at Manor Farm after old Major, a prize boar, tells the other animals about his dream of freedom and teaches them to sing 'Beasts of England'. Mr. Jones, the drunken farmer, is deposed and a committee of pigs takes over the running of the farm. The animals are taught to read and write, but the dream turns sour, the purges begin and those in charge come more and more to resemble their oppressors. Orwell's allegory of the Soviet revolution remains as lucid and compelling as ever. In beautifully clear prose, he gives us a vivid gallery of characters and a fable that conveys the truth about how we are manipulated through language and the impossibility of finding heaven on earth.

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